Senin, 31 Maret 2014


Tunduk kepada Allah

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Tunduk 2

21 Inspirational Christian Quotes on Obedience

The following inspirational Christian quotes on obedience show the vast importance of heeding God’s commands and show that obedience to God’s commands are at the heart of Christianity and God’s will for us:

  1. The true follower of Christ will not ask, “If I embrace this truth, what will it cost me?” Rather he will say, “This is truth. God help me to walk in it, let come what may!”   A. W. Tozer
  2. It is a great deal easier to do that which God gives us to do, no matter how hard it is, than to face the responsibilities of not doing it. B.J. Miller
  3. God’s commands are designed to guide you to life’s very best. You will not obey Him, if you do not believe Him and trust Him. You cannot believe Him if you do not love Him. You cannot love Him
    unless you know Him.  
    Henry Blackaby
  4. We ought not to be weary of doing little things for the love of God, who regards not the greatness of the work, but the love with which it is performed.  Brother Lawrence
  5. The evidence that you are a person in whom obedience will one day be complete is that you are a person in whom obedience is already begun.  Colin Smith of Unlocking the Bible

  6. If you’re a Christian God has called you, laid His hand on you, and sprinkled you with His blood. Why? God’s purpose, when He calls us, is that we should pursue a life of obedience to Jesus Christ, and it is for this purpose that we are sprinkled by His blood.  
    Colin Smith from Sermon Feet: Walking in Obedience to Christ

  7. If Christ does not reign over the mundane events in our lives, He does not reign at all.  Paul Tripp
  8. Faith, as Paul saw it, was a living, flaming thing leading to surrender and obedience to the commandments of Christ.  A.W. Tozer
  9. Have you noticed how much praying for revival has been going on of late – and how little revival has resulted? I believe the problem is that we have been trying to substitute praying for obeying, and it simply will not work.  A.W. Tozer
  10. Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love. Augustine
  11. One act of obedience is better than one hundred sermons.  Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  12. The golden rule for understanding in spiritual matters is not intellect, but obedience.  Oswald Chambers
  13. Lord, whatever you want, wherever you want it, and whenever you want it, that’s what I want. Richard Baxter
  14. See in the meantime that your faith brings forth obedience, and God in due time will cause it to bring forth peace.   John Owen
  15. The greatness of a man’s power is the measure of his surrender.  William Booth
  16. You can only learn what obedience is by obeying. Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  17. Obedience is the key to real faith.  Chuck Colson
  18. Greatness in the kingdom of God is measured in terms of obedience.  John Stott
  19. Just as worship begins in holy expectancy, it ends in holy obedience. If worship does not propel us into greater obedience, it has not been worship. Richard J. Foster
  20. True faith will inevitably manifest itself in the performance of works of obedience… The performance of works are the result of faith and the fruit of justification.  R.C. Sproul
  21. Obedience to God must never be delayed.  Zac Poonen

Abide in Me says Jesus. Cling to Me. Stick fast to Me. Live the life of close and intimate communion with Me. Get nearer to Me. Roll every burden on Me. Cast your whole weight on Me. Never let go your hold on Me for a moment. Be, as it were, rooted and planted in Me. Do this and I will never fail you. I will ever abide in you.  J.C. Ryle


Senin, 24 Maret 2014


Kisah hidup Rasul Paulus, Sang Pembunuh orang kristen yang bertobat.

Hidup seorang  Rasul Allah, Paulus
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RASUL PAULUS: Hidup yang Diubahkan!
Disadur dari Renungan Harian Air Hidup, edisi 12 September 2013 -

Baca:  Kisah Para Rasul 9:1-19a

"Pergilah, sebab orang ini adalah alat pilihan bagi-Ku untuk memberitakan nama-Ku kepada bangsa-bangsa lain serta raja-raja dan orang-orang Israel."  Kisah 9:15

Hari ini kita belajar dari seorang yang telah diubahkan hidupnya dan menjadi pelayan Tuhan yang luar biasa:  Rasul Paulus, dahulu bernama Saulus, dilahirkan di Tarsus.  Secara keturunan ia terlahir sebagai bangsa Yahudi dan tumbuh sebagai seorang ahli Taurat.

     Sebelum bertemu dengan Yesus dan bertobat ia adalah seorang pemeluk agama Yahudi yang taat dan sangat membenci pengikut Kristus.  Namun pertemuannya dengan Yesus telah mengubah hidupnya secara drastis:  "Dalam perjalanannya ke Damsyik, ketika ia sudah dekat kota itu, tiba-tiba cahaya memancar dari langit mengelilingi dia. Ia rebah ke tanah dan kedengaranlah olehnya suatu suara yang berkata kepadanya: 'Saulus, Saulus, mengapakah engkau menganiaya Aku?' Jawab Saulus: 'Siapakah Engkau, Tuhan?' Kata-Nya: 'Akulah Yesus yang kauaniaya itu.'"  (Kisah 9:3-5).  Setelah itu  "Tiga hari lamanya ia tidak dapat melihat dan tiga hari lamanya ia tidak makan dan minum."  (Kisah 9:9).  Pengalaman adikodrati ini telah membuka mati hati Paulus bahwa ia telah dipanggil Tuhan untuk memberitakan Injil kepada bangsa-bangsa kafir dan dipilih Tuhan untuk melaksanakan Amanat Agung Tuhan.  Firman Tuhan kepada Paulus,  "Jangan takut! Teruslah memberitakan firman dan jangan diam!"  (Kisah 18:9).  Ini menunjukkan bahwa Tuhan memiliki rencana indah atas hidupnya.  Ia pun berkomitmen untuk mengabdikan seluruh hidupnya bagi Injil.  Pertobatannya mengubah pandangan hidupnya secara total.

     Dalam melayani Tuhan rasul Paulus bukanlah orang yang mengedepankan penampilan lahiriahnya, melainkan pada sesuatu yang ada di dalam dirinya:  karakter, sikap dan kepribadiannya.  Tidak ada kepura-puraan dalam pelayanan Paulus, atau melayani demi kepentingan pribadi dan dengan motivasi yang tidak benar.  Yang ada dalam benaknya hanyalah bagaimana ia bisa memuliakan Kristus, yang telah mati bagi dirinya:  "Sebab yang sangat kurindukan dan kuharapkan ialah...Kristus dengan nyata dimuliakan di dalam tubuhku, baik oleh hidupku, maupun oleh matiku.  Karena bagiku hidup adalah Kristus dan mati adalah keuntungan. Tetapi jika aku harus hidup di dunia ini, itu berarti bagiku bekerja memberi buah."  (Filipi 1:20-22a).

Sumber : 

Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

Kata Tuhan Kamu Jodohku - Renungan untuk BBM / WA

Kata Tuhan kamu jodoh ku
Pada detik ini mungkin ribuan Joblowan & Jomblowati sedang menerima "PEWAHYUAN" mengenai jodohnya.
Inilah wanita dari tulang rusukku  atau inilah Pria yang darinya aku diciptakan :D Kakakaka
Ya demikian banyak Jomblo Kristen yang melakukan klaim seperti ini, Jadi sering Gadis Cantik atau Pemuda ganteng di gereja mendapatkan 2 atau

lebih pernyataan yang sama yaitu : "Kata Tuhan kamu jodohku...." Haiya Cialat !!

FIRMAN / pewahyuan dari  Tuhan tidak murahan seperti itu !
Percayalah Firman dan Wahyu dari TUHAN selalu turun dengan misi : Memuliakan Nama Tuhan dan membangun Gereja-Nya

Orang orang yang berkata "kata TUHAN kamu adalah jodohku" adalah orang yang menggunakan TUHAN sebagai alat untuk memuaskan EGO.
Sebagai alat untuk memaksa dan memberikan tekanan psikologis secara "ROHANI"  kepada orang yang diharapkan menerima cintanya.

Fakta :
Dalam Alkitab setahu aku cuma ada 2 pernikahan yang ditetapkan Tuhan
1. Adam dan Hawa
2. Hosea and Gomer - Wow siapa ya ? Baca Hosea 3:1

seorang yang berprofesi sebagai gembala selalu mengarahkan dan melindungi domba dombanya, Tapi penggembala domba tidak mengurusi si Domba A cinta sama Domba B atau Domba C mau kawin ama Domba D. Kecuali ada Domba yang mau kawin dengan Anjing gembala lha mungkin penggembalanya akan bertindak hahaha karena kalau tidak ditindak akan ada spesies baru  NJINGDOM atau DOMJING anak domba dan anjing kakaka

Syarat syarat pasangan sudah ditetapkan di alkitab :
1. Pernikahan harus bersifat monogami antara pria dan wanita (berlawanan jenis kelamin). Dengan demikian, Kekristenan menolak pernikahan sesama jenis kelamin karena bertentangan dengan ketetapan Tuhan (Kejadian 2:18-25).
2. Keduanya (pria dan wanita) haruslah orang yang beriman kepada Yesus Kristus (2 Korintus 6:14-18).
Pri 7B4C4932

Lamb and PitBull

Dog mothering  Lamb
German shepherd & Sleeping Lamb

Senin, 17 Maret 2014


bingung dan solusinya
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Merasa Bingung?

Nats : Lalu Ia membuka pikiran mereka, sehingga mereka mengerti Kitab Suci (Lukas 24:45)

Bacaan : 1Korintus 2:9-16

"Bacalah tiga kali." Itulah nasihat yang diberikan oleh William Faulkner ketika para pembaca novelnya yang berjudul The Sound and The Fury (Suara dan Kemarahan) mengeluh bahwa mereka tidak dapat memahami isinya.
Itu nasihat yang baik. Beberapa buku perlu dibaca satu kali, dua kali, bahkan berulang kali sebelum kita dapat memahami isinya. Jika kita yakin buku itu memang bernilai, kita mungkin bersedia menyediakan waktu dan tenaga untuk memahami dan menangkap pesan yang terkandung di dalamnya.
Tentu saja nasihat Faulkner di atas dapat diterapkan pada bagian-bagian bacaan dalam Alkitab yang pada awalnya membingungkan kita. Rasul Petrus mengatakan bahwa surat-surat yang ditulis Rasul Paulus berisi beberapa hal yang "sukar dipahami" (2Petrus 3:16). Beberapa konsep tertentu mungkin sulit, tetapi bukan berarti tidak dapat dipahami.
Namun, bisa saja Anda menemukan beberapa bacaan yang tetap membingungkan meskipun telah dibaca berulang kali. Lalu bagaimana? Mintalah Tuhan untuk membuka pikiran Anda (Lukas 24:45; 1 Korintus 2:10-16). Carilah buku yang memberi penjelasan tentang bacaan itu. Bertanyalah kepada pendeta Anda. Jika tidak ada titik terang, kesampingkan bacaan itu untuk sementara waktu. Lalu nantikanlah dengan sabar hingga Roh Kudus menerangi apa yang membingungkan Anda saat ini. Pemahaman Anda akan bertumbuh seiring dengan pertumbuhan Anda dalam anugerah-Nya. Sementara itu praktekkanlah pengajaran yang telah Anda mengerti VCG

Open my eyes that I may see
Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me;
Place in my hands the wonderful key
That shall unclasp and set me free. --Scott

Sumber :


Senin, 10 Maret 2014

HERO - Renungan


Most people respect and revere someone who acts bravely and does nobly, but how do they respond if the one they admire doesn’t appear to be a winner or a champion? Comprised of several valiant main characters, “Hero” retells a myth of how a small band of people worked and sacrificed to help unite the land we know today as China. Even though they may look like failures, the personal price they pay to lose becomes a victory for everyone else.

A Chinese prefect modestly referred to as “Nameless” (Jet Li) is brought before the King based on the report that he has killed the King’s three most powerful enemies: Sky (Donnie Yen), Broken Sword (Tony Leung), and Flying Snow (Maggie Cheung). Coming to receive his reward, Nameless is kept at a secure distance from the King and required to report his achievements. Through repeated flashbacks and various revisions of the past, Nameless and the King each present what they believe actually happened until the truth finally prevails. But their final consensus is just the beginning of an unavoidable confrontation.

The reasonable expectation for a martial arts film like this is that it will be filled with violence. There is an array of sword fighting, arrow shooting, stabbing and death, but it is interesting to note that the violence isn’t a typical assault of the senses. With all of the violent encounters, there is only one instance where we see actual blood shed. There are a few moments where we see someone stabbed, but the moments are brief, and the focus is on the person’s reaction. Considering the background and the culture of these kinds of films, the work is done to appreciate the artistry in how the fighting is done. Where Tarantino uses fighting for violence to be made cool, director Zhang Yimou employs fighting to display something graceful and poetic.

None of the violence is unnecessarily gratuitous or disturbing, and the reason for the fighting is always clear and purposeful. Aside from that, there is no foul language, but there is a brief instance where Jet Li is shown nude from the backside. Also, one short scene depicts two characters in bed together under a sheet. While there is no nudity, some of the sounds while they are together are explicit. Overall, these objectionable moments are very few and far between.

The craftsmanship of the filmmaking is exceptional, and may hearken one back to Ang Lee’s film “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” (but with less violence). Each flashback is presented with a different color (red, green, blue, and white), which enhances much of the visual entertainment of the film, but also depicts the various themes of the flashbacks. The production design and art direction are outstanding, and while the computer graphics are a little too much at times, the cinematography is still excellent.

The most evocative moment I experienced was one (of several) of the fights between Broken Sword and Flying Snow. Although Broken Sword has sworn to avenge the death of Flying Snow’s father (out of his love for her), he has realized that the best thing he can do is to lay down his sword and not fight. Not understanding why Broken Sword will not take revenge, Flying Snow fights Broken Sword and kills him. Stunned, she asks why he didn’t defend himself, to which he replies, “So you would believe me.” With his death, Snow is broken, and ends up dying with him.

Because Broken Sword and Flying Snow are lovers, there is a metaphor that can be extracted from this scenario of our relationship with Jesus Christ. It wasn’t until Broken Sword dies that Flying Snow finally understands—and believes—what he has been telling her. It’s at that point that she identifies herself with him and dies, too. She dies to her own way of thinking and stubbornness of how she wants things to be. So, too, Christ Jesus has died for us, sacrificing Himself so that we can believe Him and turn from our stubborn ways. When we repent like this (as Flying Snow does), we are dying to ourselves and identifying ourselves with Christ and His death.

But the Gospel doesn’t stop at Christ’s death. There is hope when we turn to Jesus Christ like this. Romans 6:5-8 (NAS) encourages us: For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, that our body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin; for he who has died is freed from sin. Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him. That is good news.

This is one of several aspects that can be highly appreciated in this film. It is highly entertaining and rich in beauty and meaning. There is too much good in it for a production like this to be ignored.

Sumber : 

Senin, 03 Maret 2014

Amish Love - Kisah nyata kaum yang 5 anak gadisnya dibunuh

Amish Love

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A Lesson of Forgiveness

A year ago Monday, gunman Charles Carl Roberts IV shattered a tranquil Amish community when he killed five young girls and injured five others at a schoolhouse in Nickel Mines, Pa.
Roberts lined the girls against the chalkboard and shot them. As police drew closer, he killed himself.
The act stunned the nation, which watched this private community deal with its loss. Away from prying media lenses, a group gathered Monday to remember the moment that catapulted its secluded community into the public arena.

A Year Later

During the last 12 months, the community has shown its resilience. It opened a new schoolhouse called New Hope Amish School just six months after the tragedy.
But the community also has changed in dramatic ways. The new schoolhouse has a locking steel door and an emergency release bar, but memories of the tragedy have not been erased easily.
"The pain is still very close to the surface," said Herman Bontrager, who worked with the Amish on their only public comment to mark the anniversary.
In the statement, they wrote about the miraculous turnaround of 6-year-old Rosanna King, who was shot in the head. Doctors didn't expect her to survive. "As of today she smiles a lot — big smiles — and recognizes family members and a few others and often responds to eye contact with a big smile," the statement said.
But Rosanna's recovery still isn't complete. She is still unable to speak.
Her sister Sarah Ann also was shot in the head. After reconstructive surgery, she is back in school.
"Her brain surgeon and therapists all said it's a true miracle that she recovered as fully as she did, which we thank God for," the community statement said.
While the girls continue their recovery, some of the young boys still struggle with survivor's guilt.
"They think, 'Could we have done anything? Could we have prevented this? These are 12- and 13-year-old boys," said Don Kraybill, who wrote a book about the shootings.

The Act of Forgiveness

Despite the trauma's impact on the community, faith inspired the Amish to reach out to the killer's family. They not only forgave him, but they handed over a portion of the $4.3 million they received in donations to Roberts' wife.
Since then Marie Roberts has moved from the area and remarried. In July, the Roberts family invited the Amish to a picnic.
"It was a gracious act of reconciliation by the killer's parents," said Bontrager, "but it was only possible I think because the Amish had made the decision to forgive."
In fact, the Amish see forgiveness as a lifetime task, according to Bontrager.
"The Amish would say that forgiveness is a journey," Bontrager said. "It doesn't erase the pain."
But the pain has given them a special insight few would ever know. When they witnessed another dramatic school shooting, this time on Virginia Tech's campus, the Amish traveled to the school and helped grieving families.